Platte County Hunting Club

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Leasing hunting land in the Northland of Kansas City, Missouri.

Our Services

Hunting Sites

Leasing Details


The Platte County Hunting Club leases hunting rights on various farms surrounding the KCI airport in Platte County, Missouri. There is a total of 1,430 acres of hunting ground that is divided into privet hunting sites. Leases are for the entire year starting on September 1st and ending August 31st and cover all hunting seasons except for water fowl. Water fowl is leased out separately.

Since most hunting is done in small groups, the hunting sites boundaries are generally large enough to accommodate several hunters. When a site is leased, the hunters are given the First Right of Refusal to hunt again the following year. Since many of these sites are currently leased for the 2020-21 hunting seasons please do not trespass.


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